We understand the bottom line matters to companies of all sizes. We continue to invest time to learn about new and existing financial and in-kind solutions that may be available to local business and industry. Solutions come in many forms, some of which include:
As a resource for business development and growth in Sampson County, we want companies to leverage solutions that will be meaningful to them. We pride ourselves on our ability to connect companies and small business owners to resource partners who can help determine company eligibility.
Let us know when you are ready to explore solutions that may be available to your company.
Farm Fresh Produce:
Premium Grower, Packer, and Exporter
Farm Fresh Produce speaks your language: produce. From sweet potatoes to bell pepper, butternut squash to blueberries, this local company grows and delivers quality around the world.
($ Thousand) Training Grants
($ Thousand) Revolving Loan
($ Thousand) Building Reuse Grants
($ Thousand) Tax Grant Back Incentives [annual]